阙氏七修族谱续 [卷首上下8卷] = The Genealogy of the Seven Repairs of the Que Family Continued [Volume 1 and 8] Que,阙氏 阙修金,Gao Zhi Gang,Li Yong Xian,Que Xiu Jin,Que Zu Xiang,李勇先,阙祖
闕氏七修族譜續 [卷首上下8卷] = The Genealogy of the Seven Repairs of the Que Family Continued [Volume 1 and 8] Que,阙氏 闕修金,Gao Zhi Gang,Li Yong Xian,Que Xiu Jin,Que Zu Xiang,李勇先,闕祖
阙氏七修族谱续 [卷首上下8卷] = The Genealogy of the Seven Repairs of the Que Family Continued [Volume 1 and 8] 不详 不详 Que,阙氏 不详
摘要: Genealogy of Que family in Hunan Province, China to 1938.\r\n
Bound in 929.251 B291b v. 42 pt. 3 pages 261-546 and 929.251 B291b v. 43-46.
转载请注明出处: 家谱网 » 阙氏七修族谱续 [卷首上下8卷] = The Genealogy of the Seven Repairs of the Que Family Continued [Volume 1 and 8] Que,阙氏 阙修金,Gao Zhi Gang,Li Yong Xian,Que Xiu Jin,Que Zu Xiang,李勇先,阙祖
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